Sunday, October 24, 2010

Legends of Kung Fu, Red Theater Beijing

Well with only 5 days left in Beijing before I head off to my new posting in Shanghai, I have decided to see alittle bit more of the culture side of things. So with the recommendation of Sean we decided to go to the Legends of Kung Fu, Show at the Red theater. I am not much for the theater of late, but I could not pass up the chance to go and see something different. The theater, took on the name, Red theater as the entire front side of the theater is lit up in Red. The first impression was a nice one indeed. As  we progressed inwards, the theater insides revealed an older version of the Hollywood theaters that I had been in some 20years back. Once we maneuvered our way through the seats, and rows, we settled into our seats and were waiting comfortably center stage in the theater. The show began, to a half empty theater, maybe because of the cold, maybe because it was Sunday night, what ever the case the performance was nice, and it was a great way to spend 90 minutes of my day. If you get a chance, defiantly well worth the trip. Just check with your hotel's concierge teams, as they tend to have some tickets that they can offer you at a discounted price. of Course make sure you have a great partner with you so that the entire experince so even more enjoyable.

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