Monday, February 7, 2011

Lunch on a Sunny Afternoon

Sean and the Salad

Beef with Chili and Scallion

Sean's Eggplant

Me waiting for the Sliced duck hurry up..I'm hungry

Master Carver At Work

Wait before you eat let me take a photo~

Lucky Draw Prize, Cotton Candy Flowers~

Lunch on a Sunny Afternoon
As Sean knows I like to eat duck, he had suggested that on the last day we would go to a very special restaurant where they specialize in Roasting Duck. When he told me the name I was excited, as many times I have recommended this place to people when I was working in Beijing, but had never had the chance myself to go. So after a brief taxi ride, after Momma needed her coffee… we arrived. Now we arrived on the street, and we looked around a little before we had found it, but Sean has a good sense of directions, or should I say a nose for food...Hehehe (opps sorry Honey ) so when we arrived as we had made a reservation all tables were just about full. The menu was presented and soon as I opened it I knew that it was going to be a great meal. The Menus images of the food dishes were well photographed and the English explanations were elegant and made the food sound good. So we choose our selections, one of course was Duck; also we selected eggplant, a salad, and Beef. The salad was the first to arrive and I must say the taste was incredible the flavors and the vinaigrette of whole mustard seeds was a nice combination of flavors. The beef arrived on the stone slab, and then the eggplant, lastly the duck made its way to the table with a young carver all wrapped up like he was going to war. They young carver sliced his way to the meat, and skin like a master swordsman…and of course I’m sure he’s cutting 30 – 40 a day. After wards, there was a lucky draw, and Sean Picked a dessert as the prize, later did we know when we got to the entrance we could have had a Ipad...hehehe oh well the dessert was a nice treat indeed, and better than nothing. All and all the lunch was delicious and the price yes of course steep indeed, but never the mind, good food and good experienced  spent with the one you love outweighs all else…

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